
Dustin is in Finland. Here's what's up. I hope you like the blog's funky-fresh new look!

Monday, October 16, 2006


All I ever wanted,

Had to get away...

-The Go-Go's

I have a little announcement. Today, I bought two round-trip plane tickets. One ticket will take me, along with a couple of friends, to Rome, Italy...

...the other ticket will take us to Berlin, Germany.

These two cities are where I will be spending my Independence Day week-long break in December. We will leave for Berlin on Tuesday, Dec. 5 and stay there just for that day. Then we're off to Rome until Saturday morning. Then back to Berlin for Saturday-Monday, where we will return to Oulu that night. Berlin should be covered with a lovely bank of snow while we're there. Rome, I'm sure, will not.

I had thought about going to Amsterdam with a different group of friends, but decided that I should take advantage of this particular opportunity to visit two of the world's oldest, most famous and most beautiful cities.

This trip does not come cheap and I would like to personally thank two donors at the Harlan & Sheri Britt Foundation for Broke College Students Who Want to See Europe for their donation/early birthday present.

That's all for now.

(unbridled excitement abounds in my soul)
